Rooms Offers
040 28 444 0

Bank holidays in Hamburg

4 days Easter break in Hamburg

Take advantage of the Easter holidays in the spring for a perfect getaway. Explore the remarkable city and experience one of the highlights on the Elbe - the Easter fire works. from € 224,50 p. P. * mehr erfahren
Rosenstrauss liegt auf dem Tisch

4 days holiday break during Pentecost 2023

A long weekend packed with sightseeing in Hamburg. Discover our beautiful Pentecost offer at the relexa hotel Bellevue. from € 169,50 p. P. * mehr erfahren

3 Days - Christmas special 2023

Enjoy the familiar smell of punch and baked apple. Your relexa hotel Bellevue has put together the right package for all Christmas lovers. from € 169,50 p. P. * mehr erfahren